Friday 16 July 2010

Pet Peeves

Okay, since this post is likely going to be long and GRR-y, I'm gonna start with something positive, post a load of GRR and then end on something positive, I'm gonna call it the GRR sandwich.

Hrmm.. something positive.. something positive.. ah okay!

Today, (well yesterday, bloody timezones) I finished college for the summer and I don't go back until.. the 9th of september I believe... anyway. This gives me much more time to talk to my best friend Tay because I can now stay up until 5am with her (again, bloody timezones).

HEN-EE-WAY, Pet peeves.

I hate...

When my mum is ready in the morning before me and she goes out and sits in the car waiting for me and looking disappointed.

That the only time my dad's hearing is good is when I've got music on and he wants it turned down.

When people talk to me when I've got my earphones in, and then look pissed off when I ask them to repeat it.

Passive-aggressive people. (Yes thank you, I realise the irony)

When a song's second verse if half the length of the first verse... Don't be lazy guys.

When a character in a music video mouths the lyircs to the song.

When a female singer in an all-male band becomes the only one focused on. (No, she's not called Evanescence, that's the name of the band.)

People who gloat. (No one gives a shit what you did at the weekend, or what bands you're seeing this summer. Shh.)

When people think "because you can't" is a valid excuse for not letting you do something.

Fucking predictive text!

People who seem to think having problems is a contest. (Whoever's got the worst problem wins a cupcake! :D >_>)

People who constantly try to one-up you, no matter what it is.

People who don't seem to be able to comprehend it when you don't like their music.

People who take it as a personal insult if you like music they don't.

Preachy people.

People who constantly want to give you solutions/advice.

People who always want to dogpile or playfight. (Get off me you twat it's 30 degrees out here.)

Those indie guys who wear rolled up jeans and those weird leather shoes. (Just no, ew.)

Girls who steal your hat/sunglasses/whatever and wear them to try and be cute. (D'awww. It's not cute, give me back my beanie.)

People who invent an acronym and explain it while posting on a forum, but then never use it again. (If you were gonna type out what it means but then not use it again, what was the point?)

When someone's facebook photo is of a dog or a car or something. (Oh, thats a picture of you? I didn't realise you were a fucking Labrador.)

When someone's facebook photo is the same as their boyfriend's/girlfriend's. (That's just annoying.)

When people put "woop woop" in their facebook status when excited about something. (I don't know what it is, but woop woop just pisses me off.)

When someone's facebook photo is of them slobbering all over their boyfriend's/girlfriend's face. (SLURP SLURP SLURP.)

When girls pull that stupid duck-face when they take a photo of themselves. (Do they think that looks good, or?)

When people get all shakespearean when upset. (Woe is me, life is not like the great plays...)

People who think having a mental disorder or self harming is cool. (*SLASH SLASH SLASH*, social capital please!)

When singers sing but don't use mics in their music videos.

People who won't bugger off home the morning after hanging out.

People who argue about genre.

When people don't but the DVD/game back in the case when they're done with it.

The word "creeper". (Creep works just as well and it's only one syllable.)

People who use "Whats up?" as a greeting.

When your friends show up at your house without calling ahead. (I mean you can't really tell them to get lost, so it just puts a hold on your day.)

People who trail off all the time in instant messaging... (<-- like that)

People who use the :L smiley excessivley. (Doesn't even look like it's laughing.)

When people don't RSVP to an event (Do they not realise I need to buy booze?)

When people get annoyed at you because you didn't hear them the first time because they were mumbling.

People who become obsessed with their label. "Yeahhhh I'm so goth, I love being goth being goth is the best thing ever I'm going to go dance in a graveyard because the goth handbook says so" (Ew.)

When cashiers hand you your coins, notes and receipt all at once and you have no time to sort it out and you have to stuff it all in the same pocket.

People who do devil horns when they're not at a gig.

Tax in the USA. I hate that they don't include tax on the pricetag, you don't have time to give exact change and end up having to pay with a note and get dumped with a load of change.

Splitting notes.

People who put off paying money back. (They know I'll stop asking if they just pay me back.)

When people put the chorus from that "Airplanes" song by B.O.B. as their facebook status. (It would've been original if everyone else hadn't done it too.)

People who take the bus seat/urinal next to you when there are plenty free.

When your friend tells you about the party they're throwing and doesn't invite you.

People who get the urge to play something a couple days after they lent it to you.

When you ask for ketchup or mayo and you get one sachet. Gee, thanks.

Girls who all walk in a line holding hands, essentially barricading the hallway.

When I order a drink and get a cupful of ice instead.

People who don't flush the toilet at your house. (I don't care if it's yellow let it mellow, flush the fucking toilet!)

When the person next to you on the bus gives up their seat to an old person and you have to do it too, or else you'll look like a prick.

When one of your friends hits on girls he met through you, and you have to put up with the girls bitching about him.

Hat hair.

Feeling like a hypocrite when I use "Jesus!" as a curse, since I don't believe in Him.

People who say you forgot something somewhere. "No, I didn't forget my pen at home, I LEFT my pen at home."

When I'm sitting on the top floor of the bus at someone drops an empty bottle of drink and it bounces loudly down the stairs.

When people come in and start talking to me when I'm watching tv - (I don't have Sky+ like you do, I can't pause it when you want my attention.)

Girls who refer to their family as their "famalam".

People who put question marks on the end of stuff that isn't a question. (Um, I'm confused?)

People who make long lists of things thinking they're being funny or clever. (OSNAP!)
And there we go, 62 of my pet peeves, try not to do any of them.

Andd now something postive.. umm. hrmm... uh..

My hair looks pretty good today...

Maybe next time I'll write a list of 62 things I love about the world.

Cheers, Lolzords.

Audience Participation: Write your pet peeves in the comment box.


Monday 12 July 2010

Fear leads to anger leads to monday leads to Boyz N the hood leads to Furious Styles leads to 3OH!3 leads to the DARK SIDE

So.. My first proper blag post.. this'll be interesting..

Hi there, it's a brand new week, hooray monday. =/ I'm currently sitting in the library trying to kill my 11:25-3:05 free, it's painful, since I live too far from my college to go home. Still, only a week left.

The weekend was pretty interesting, Friday night I laid around watching Boyz N the Hood on VIVA (I still can't get over that his dad is called Furious Styles, haha). Saturday my 'rents had friends down from Stoke-On-Trent, so we all got a bit pissed and went to get Thai food. That counts as my new thing this week - it's delicious! I have no idea why I haven't had it before, I should've a long time ago. Sunday I watched a bit of the world cup final but then gave up with it and played a couple of old games: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Super Smash Bros. for the N64. I dont have an N64, so I had to use an emulator. Xbox 360 keeps overheating though, which is a pain...

Saturday I downloaded the new 3OH!3 album, Streets of Gold (and the self-titled one) and listened to them, pretty decent, I shoved it on at full volume and rocked out in the shower to them. If you've heard WANT and liked it, you should get Streets of Gold, caus it's basically more of the same stuff. The self-titled album is more hip-hop oriented, though.

Anyway, I'm going to have to end it there caus the chunky girl sitting next to me keeps looking over at me and pulling weird faces..

Also I guess I should be doing my annotated catalogue for my media studies essay - "Representation of Masculinity in Hip-hop" fun fun.


- Lolzords

P.S. If I was a force-user I'd be a Dark Jedi or at least a Grey Jedi like Jolee Bindo. Light side Jedi can't have relationships. :(

P.P.S. Also, my lightsaber would be one of those ones with a normal blade but a handle twice the normal length.
Hells yeah.

Audience Participation: Post in the comment box what kind of force-user you'd be.


Four hour free.